Immigration & Employment

With a deep understanding of these complex fields, we provide comprehensive legal guidance tailored to the needs of our clients.

In the field of immigration, we assist individuals and businesses in navigating the multifaceted landscape of Cyprus immigration law. Our services range from advising on visas, citizenship applications, work permits, and family reunification, to providing guidance on asylum procedures. Understanding the intricacies and potential stressors of immigration procedures, we are dedicated to simplifying the process, ensuring accurate and timely application submissions. Our goal is to provide comprehensive support to help our clients meet their immigration objectives with ease and efficiency.

Simultaneously, we offer expertise in employment law, providing guidance to both employers and employees on a multitude of issues. Our services cover areas such as employment contracts, workplace policies, employee rights, termination and redundancy procedures, and workplace dispute resolution. We aim to strike a careful balance, addressing employers' needs for business protection and flexibility, while safeguarding employees' rights to fair treatment, safety, and job security.

Our proactive approach includes working alongside our clients to anticipate and mitigate potential legal issues. For employers, we offer advice on compliance with labor laws and regulations, workforce management, employee compensation, and benefits, along with addressing discrimination and harassment issues. For employees, we provide assistance with contract issues, unfair dismissal claims, and workplace rights concerns.

Our diverse range of services extends to:

  • Visa and citizenship application guidance.

  • Assistance with work permits and family reunification procedures.

  • Advisory on asylum procedures and related matters.

  • Crafting, reviewing, and revising employment contracts.

  • Guidance on implementing compliant workplace policies.

  • Advice on handling termination, redundancy procedures, and dispute resolution.

  • Assistance with unfair dismissal claims and workplace rights issues.

At the core of our work is the commitment to delivering strategic solutions that protect your interests. Whether navigating the complexities of immigration law or addressing critical employment issues, we prioritize your concerns, delivering tailored, high-quality legal services.