Opening a Bank Account in Cyprus: A Guide for Israelis

Opening a bank account in Cyprus is a straightforward and efficient process for both individuals and businesses. With recent advancements in the Cypriot banking system, including the ability to open bank accounts online, setting up an account has become more accessible. This article provides a detailed overview of the process, types of accounts available, and considerations for selecting the right bank, particularly for Israeli businesses and individuals.

Banking Services in Cyprus

Cyprus's banking system has undergone significant positive changes in recent years, particularly in technology. Most Cypriot banks now offer:

  • 24/7 online banking and telephone support in English.

  • No initial deposit requirement for account opening.

  • Comparatively low banking fees.

  • Acceptance of international credit cards.

  • Facilitation of international deposits and transfers.

  • Ability to manage accounts in foreign currencies.

These services make Cyprus an attractive banking destination for both personal and business needs.

Types of Bank Accounts in Cyprus

Cyprus offers a variety of bank account types tailored to different needs:

  • Private Account: For daily personal use.

  • Business Account: For day-to-day business transactions.

  • Corporate Account: For larger corporate entities.

  • Savings Account: For savings with potential interest earnings.

  • Offshore Account: For international business activities.

  • Trade Account: For businesses involved in import and export.

Choosing a Bank in Cyprus

The most prominent banks in Cyprus include:

  • Bank of Cyprus

  • Hellenic Bank

  • Eurobank

  • Astrobank

Opening a Private Bank Account

For personal use, it’s advisable to open an account at a local branch rather than an International Business Unit (IBU), which primarily serves business needs and has stricter requirements. Only Cypriot residents can open an account at a local branch. Required documents typically include:

  • A copy of your passport or ID card.

  • Proof of residence (e.g., electricity bill or rental agreement).

  • A reference letter from your previous bank.

  • Documents indicating income, such as pay slips.

  • Occasionally, a resume might be requested.

If you are considering transitioning your residency from Israel to Cyprus, professional consultation can simplify the process.

Opening a Business Bank Account

Opening a business bank account is mandatory when registering a company in Cyprus and involves more documentation and bureaucratic steps than a private account. It is essential to evaluate the services offered by the bank, especially if the company has international dealings or foreign shareholders. Required documents typically include:

  • Proof of the company’s main address.

  • A document detailing the company’s activities and website URL.

  • The company’s registration certificate.

  • Details about the company directors.

  • The company’s articles of association and documents outlining its corporate structure.

  • Annual Financial Statements (Audit).

Benefits of Opening a Bank Account in Cyprus

Opening a bank account in Cyprus offers numerous benefits, particularly for Israeli businesses:

1. Financial Services and Flexibility

  • Comprehensive online banking and support.

  • Low fees and no initial deposit requirements.

  • Facilitation of international transactions.

2. Stability and Security

  • Access to stable and reputable banks.

  • Secure banking environment with robust regulations.

3. Business-Friendly Environment

  • Efficient process for account opening.

  • Favourable conditions for managing international business activities.


Cyprus presents a strategic and favourable option for Israelis looking to open personal or business bank accounts. With its advanced banking services, stable financial environment, and ease of account setup, Cyprus is an ideal destination for banking needs. To ensure a smooth process and optimal outcomes, it is advisable to seek the expertise of professionals familiar with the Cypriot market.

We offer comprehensive guidance during the bank account opening process, from helping with form preparation to ensuring you choose the best-suited bank account type for your needs.

Contact Klitos Platis by email at to schedule an initial consultation and start your banking journey in Cyprus.

The content of this article is valid as of the date of its first publication. It is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter and does not constitute legal advice. We recommend that you seek professional advice on your specific matter before acting on any information provided. For further information or advice, please contact Klitos Platis by email at


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