Expedited Citizenship Process for Skilled Foreign Professionals in Cyprus
Klitos Platis Klitos Platis

Expedited Citizenship Process for Skilled Foreign Professionals in Cyprus

Cyprus enacted significant amendments to Article 111 of the Population Register Law. This development heralds a new chapter for highly skilled professionals from third countries, offering them an expedited path to Cypriot citizenship.

Key aspects of these changes include:

  • Mandatory Residency: Applicants must have resided in Cyprus lawfully and without interruption for the 12 months preceding their citizenship application. This requirement underscores the importance of continuous and legal presence in the country.

  • Language Proficiency: Mastery of the Greek language is critical. Professionals with A2 level proficiency are eligible for citizenship after four years, while those at B1 level can apply in three years. Importantly, this benefit is also extended to their family members.

  • Clean Criminal Record: A spotless legal history is imperative. Applicants must be free from international warrants and any history of imprisonment for offenses in Cyprus or abroad. Additionally, they must demonstrate respect for Cypriot laws through their actions and words.

  • Financial Stability: Applicants must prove their financial solvency, which includes having appropriate accommodation and a stable income of over 2,500 euros, derived from legitimate employment or other reliable sources.

  • Educational and Professional Credentials: High academic and professional qualifications are a prerequisite, reflecting the emphasis on attracting skilled and knowledgeable individuals.

    The application review will be conducted via a fast-track route, facilitating a quicker decision-making process.

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Update: The New Cyprus Remote Work Legislation Explained
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Update: The New Cyprus Remote Work Legislation Explained


The recent Law on Remote Work, passed by the Cyprus Parliament on November 16, 2023, introduces a comprehensive framework regulating the rights and obligations of both employees and employers in the realm of telecommuting. This legislation marks a significant stride in adapting to the evolving dynamics of the modern workplace.

Who Does the Remote Work Law Apply To?

Applicable to all employment relationships within the private sector in Cyprus, the Law excludes public sector employees, for whom a distinct legal framework is anticipated next year.

Defining Remote Work and Telecommuting Options

The Law characterizes telecommuting as an employment arrangement where work is performed remotely using technology. This can be under various employment contracts and is not confined to the employer's premises. Key aspects of this arrangement include:

Voluntary telecommuting agreements, adaptable at different stages of employment.

Employer-driven telecommuting in scenarios like public health emergencies.

Employee-driven requests for telecommuting in specific health-related circumstances.

Key Responsibilities of the Employer

Employers are entrusted with new responsibilities in this era of remote work, including covering telecommuting costs and ensuring the privacy and rights of remote employees.

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Comprehensive Assistance for Your Cyprus Relocation and Investment Needs
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Comprehensive Assistance for Your Cyprus Relocation and Investment Needs

Cyprus: Your New Business Haven

In the heart of the Mediterranean, Cyprus emerges as a beacon for investors and families seeking stability, growth, and a welcoming business environment. Renowned for its robust legal, financial, and regulatory framework, Cyprus is not just a picturesque island, but a strategic choice for buying property, business relocation, and immigration. The Cypriot government's advantageous tax policy, coupled with a resilient banking sector, caters to a thriving economy that promises a superior standard of living and access to quality education.

The island's allure is not limited to its economic virtues; it's also lauded for its strategic position. Cyprus serves as a cultural and commercial bridge linking the corners of East and West, offering businesses a gateway to a diverse range of markets, from the European Union to the emerging hubs in the Middle East and North Africa.

For those seeking a seamless transition, our seasoned team offers personalized assistance in navigating the nuances of Cypriot investment opportunities. From buying property to setting up your business, we are your partners in every step:

  • Tailored Legal Support: Our legal mavens provide bespoke advice, ensuring your property transactions and business agreements adhere to Cypriot law with absolute precision.

  • In-Depth Due Diligence: We vigilantly assess your property acquisitions, safeguarding your investments.

  • Streamlined Company Registration: With our assistance, your venture will be up and running in no time, benefiting from one of Europe's most favourable tax regimes.

  • Residency Made Easy: Whether it's permanent or temporary residency you're after, our team facilitates the application process with ease and expertise.

We understand the significance of each investment and relocation decision. Our commitment to excellence ensures that your move to Cyprus will be as profitable as it is pleasurable.

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Cyprus: The Emerging Business and Tech Hub in the EU
Klitos Platis Klitos Platis

Cyprus: The Emerging Business and Tech Hub in the EU

Historically a beacon for international companies, Cyprus is now witnessing a surge in enterprises setting it as their primary base. Its strategic location bridges Europe, Asia, and Africa, making it a regional business hotspot. Enhanced by its EU membership since 2004, Cyprus offers a mix of a pro-business legal environment, stellar infrastructure, and an innovation-driven ecosystem. Companies also benefit from a transparent tax framework and a skilled, multilingual workforce. Beyond business, the island promises a sun-soaked lifestyle with top-tier healthcare and education. With industries like ICT, Fintech, and Crypto thriving, Cyprus stands as a compelling choice for companies eyeing European markets.

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Overcoming Financial Hurdles: The Advantages of Loan Restructuring
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Overcoming Financial Hurdles: The Advantages of Loan Restructuring

In today's fluctuating financial climate, with rising interest rates and unforeseen economic challenges, many borrowers face the strain of unmanageable loan terms. Loan restructuring emerges as a strategic tool, allowing for modified repayment parameters, potentially preventing property loss, and aiding in the preservation of primary residences. As experts in the legal domain, we're uniquely positioned to guide borrowers through these complexities, ensuring a balanced solution tailored to individual needs.

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Business Relocation to Cyprus for Israeli Citizens: A Comprehensive Guide
Klitos Platis Klitos Platis

Business Relocation to Cyprus for Israeli Citizens: A Comprehensive Guide

For Israeli businesses seeking safe and strategic relocation amidst growing challenges, Cyprus presents a beacon of hope. With a streamlined process encompassing company registration to team adaptation, Cyprus also boasts a business-friendly tax regime and a thriving IT community. Balancing work with life's pleasures is easy with the country's sunny climate and proximity to the Mediterranean's pristine beaches. At Kleanthous & Platis Law Firm, we're committed to simplifying your business transition to this promising horizon.

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Property Rights in Cyprus: Understanding Title Deeds
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Property Rights in Cyprus: Understanding Title Deeds

Unlock the intricacies of Cyprus real estate with our comprehensive guide on title deeds. From the historical relevance to modern-day practices, delve into the vital role these legal documents play in property transactions. Whether you're a prospective buyer, seller, or simply curious, get equipped with essential knowledge about property rights in Cyprus and navigate the property landscape with confidence.

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The Evolution of EU Electric Vehicle Legislation: Implications for Cyprus
Klitos Platis Klitos Platis

The Evolution of EU Electric Vehicle Legislation: Implications for Cyprus

Cyprus, as an EU member, must follow a set of specific rules. These rules impact areas like the environment, housing, energy, and transportation. It's important for businesses and planners in Cyprus to stay informed about these rules, especially as more people look to invest in clean energy and eco-friendly projects. Our team is dedicated to helping you understand and navigate these EU regulations. With our expertise, you can make decisions confidently, ensuring you're always in line with the latest guidelines.

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The Cyprus Investor Immigration Pathway: An In-depth Overview
Klitos Platis Klitos Platis

The Cyprus Investor Immigration Pathway: An In-depth Overview

Acquiring lifelong residency in Cyprus is simple, requiring just a biennial visit. Furthermore, after five years of continuous residency, one can pursue Cyprus Citizenship, opening doors to EU benefits, including living, working, and studying freely within its boundaries, as well as visa-free travel to over 170 countries. This opportunity also extends to children below 18 upon securing citizenship.

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Reservation Agreements in Property Transactions under Cyprus Law
Klitos Platis Klitos Platis

Reservation Agreements in Property Transactions under Cyprus Law

Reservation Agreements in Cyprus Real Estate: What You Need to Know

Buying or selling property in Cyprus? A reservation agreement can safeguard your interests. This preliminary contract grants buyers an exclusive period for:

  1. Negotiating terms.

  2. Conducting due diligence.

  3. Key Benefits

For Sellers: Ensures buyer commitment.

For Buyers: Allows time for research.

Legal Considerations

  1. Define exclusivity period.

  2. Specify mutual benefits and deposit.

Remember, breaching the reservation agreement could lead to legal consequences. Learn more in our full guide.

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